Héctor Rodríguez

Illustration and Concept Art

I'm a digital artist with a passion for fantasy, history, and games

Héctor Rodríguez

Illustration and Concept Art

I'm a digital artist with a passion for fantasy, history, and games

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Please, visit this page for an album of my concept art work.

Héctor Rodríguez

Illustration and Concept Art

I'm a digital artist with a passion for fantasy, history, and games


Hi! I'm Héctor, a digital artist based in Chile. I primarily do fantasy TTRPG related artwork, but I've also worked on video games, interactive experiences, animated films, and media.

I studied an undergrad Art Degree at Pontifica Universidad Católica de Chile, where I focused on traditional drawing, digital media and animation.

I've worked on local video game companies –including Sumersion Studios, AOne Games, Stormlight Studios, Iguanabee, and my own Yngvi Studios– fullfiling roles from concept art, matte painting, motion design, and art direction.

I'm currently a freelancer game illustrator, primarly for fantasy tabletop roleplaying games clients including Frog God Games, Necromancer Games, Game Hole Publishing, Sandy Pug Games, Sprinting Owl Designs, and many other independent and private commissioners.

I'm always open to new opportunities, and if you have a project in mind or want to chat about art, games, or fantasy drop me a line here [email protected] or follow me on all the social media on the links to the left.